October 1, 2023

A Message From Your Administrative Team

It was great to welcome our Lincoln Lions back to school this month!  We were so happy to see our students smiling and excited to be back at school. Thank you to our staff for all their hard work in creating rich learning environments and supporting a smooth transition back to school. 

Last week our students participated in the Terry Fox Walk in order to raise awareness and support cancer research. Thank you to our families for all their support. For those wishing to make an online donation, please access https://schools.terryfox.ca/LincolnAlexanderPSMarkham 

We look forward to meeting our families at our Meet and Greet which will take place this week on October 4th, 2023. This is an opportunity for families to meet with your child’s teacher and hear about programming expectations for the classroom. All classes will offer 2 sessions to accommodate parents who have multiple children in the school.  The book fair will also be open this evening. More details will be emailed out again on Monday. The book fair will be open to students this week.  We look forward to a great year ahead!

Kindly, S. Anand & J. Trim

Important School Information

Arrival Information: 

Please ensure that your child does not arrive at school prior to 8:15am, this is to ensure your child’s safety. There is NO supervision before 8:15 a.m. When you arrive at 8:15am we ask that you drop your child at their designated area at 8:15 a.m. and say goodbye.

Dismissal Information

Please ensure that you pick up your child promptly at 3pm. Please ensure that your child’s teacher has up-to-date dismissal information for your child in order to avoid any confusion. 

 Medical Information 

If your child has a serious condition such as asthma or a life-threatening allergy (peanut, bee sting etc.) it is very important that parents/guardians keep the school informed of current medical needs and complete the required paperwork. We have a number of students who have a life threatening allergy to peanuts, tree nuts, peanut/nuts products, fish, and shellfish. Therefore, we request that our families refrain from sending any food with peanut or nut products to school. Any student medications will be stored in the office. Students may not carry medication with them. Students who require an epi-pen must carry this at all times.

Contact Information / Start Up Forms 

We ask families to ensure the school office has the most up-to-date contact information. This is important in case of emergency situations. If your contact information has changed, please notify the school office.  

Parents/guardians received an email from YRDSB Update with important school start-up forms to complete. It is important that these forms are completed as soon as possible at the start of the school year as they contain important information and permissions. The forms can be found at https://startupforms.yrdsb.ca/. Tips are available if you need additional information on how to log in to the Student GAPPS account to complete the forms.  

Please note:  

You must be signed in to your child’s student GAPPS account to complete the form. Please remember to sign out of one account before signing into another. Additional information is available on the Board website on how to login to the student account to complete the forms. 

If you prefer to complete the forms on paper or have questions about the information in the forms, please contact the school office. 

Parents/guardians must complete a separate form for each child attending school. Please ensure you log out of one student account before logging into another. You will not be able to submit the form twice logged into the same student account.  

Orange Shirt Day

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, observed on September 30th in Canada, is a solemn occasion dedicated to acknowledging the historical and ongoing injustices faced by First Nations, Métis and Inuit. It serves as a vital step towards reconciliation and understanding. On this day, schools across the country also recognize Orange Shirt Day, which specifically remembers the story of Phyllis Webstad, a survivor of the residential school system, who had her new orange shirt taken away on her first day at school. We encourage our students to wear an orange shirt on October 2nd, 2023, to recognize the resiliency, bravery and survival of Residential School Survivors and those who did not come home.  For more information on orange shirt day, please visit:  https://www.orangeshirtday.org/

Immunization Clinic @ Lincoln for Grades 7 & 8 Students

Immunizations against Hepatitis B, Human papillomavirus (HPV) and Meningococcal infection are routinely offered to students in grade 7 through an in-school immunization program run by York Region Public Health (YRPH) Lincoln is scheduled to host this clinic on October 11th.  Additional information, including consent instructions, can be found here

School Council Meeting

Our first School Council meeting of the 2023-24 school year will be held on Wednesday, October 18th, in-person.  If you would like to attend, please complete the RSVP form by clicking here